đź“Ś In the data structures class at Tufts (also called CS-15) we worked on several large-scale programming projects and homeworks, and I learned to implement and use common data structures. We used C++ in this course.
Things I did in this course (projects)
- Created array list and linked list implementations.
- Made a simulation of a train running with passengers that arrive and depart at various stations. The train and the stations used my implementations of a stack and a queue.
- Made a reverse polish notation calculator (called CalcYouLater) that had additional functionality by accepting commands that could take more advanced actions (like evaluating an if-statement or reading in commands from a file). It is like a simple programming language in itself and is based on a stack data structure.
- Implemented a binary search tree class that has a variety of public and private functions to interact with it. It is also built to handle duplicate entries.
- Wrote a program that offers ways to populate and then search a graph with artists as nodes and songs they've collaborated on with others as the edges. There are three distinct ways to search the graph: breadth-first search, depth-first search, and “not” which searches for a connection that doesn’t include certain edges.
Other things I learned in this course
- The importance of abstraction in order to simplify and organize a program and its functions.
- The importance of unit testing a program as I write it rather than after, to catch and handle mistakes immediately.
- There were also labs where I learned and practiced recursion, heaps, hash tables, and sorting algorithms.
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