
As a reminder of what this project is about, please take a moment to read my poem

<aside> 🥅 Goal: Provide students with a quick and easy way to comprehensively capture and display their robotics projects so that they can very easily convey all that they may create that day


Today you will: build and program your own simple robot, film it from several angles, process the video, and upload it to SwipeVideo

1. Making and programming your robot 🧘(15 minutes)

  1. First things first: make a robot.

  2. Next, download one of the SPIKE Prime code files (in blocks or Python) 👇

    Display robot - blocks.llsp

    Display robot - Python.llsp

  3. Open the file and then copy and paste your commands under the block/function that says YOUR_CODE_HERE

  4. Change the variable checkpoints to the value of your choice. If you are going to take videos by hand, 4-8 should be good. If you want to use the train, choose 16

  5. Change the variable actionLength to the time (in seconds) it takes your robot to complete its action. It's better to overshoot than undershoot with this number

What the program does ⚙️

  1. Waits until you press the right arrow button to start
  2. Beeps at a specific frequency to signal the start of an action
  3. Conducts an action (the commands you wrote)
  4. Waits a couple seconds for you to move the camera
  5. And repeats a set number of times

2. Filming your robot by hand 🎥 (15 minutes)

  1. Hold up your phone and start recording (don't stop recording until you get all angles)
  2. Press the right arrow button on your robot to start it
  3. The robot will beep and then complete the action you programmed it to
  4. Once the action completes, move your phone to another position looking at the robot
  5. The robot will again beep and then complete the action you programmed it to
  6. Continue moving your phone to different positions to capture different views
  7. Stop the recording
  8. Get the video onto your computer when finished


Taking a screen capture of the code to overlay 👨‍💻 (optional, 5 minutes)

Using the screen capture software of your choice, take a screen capture of the SPIKE Prime's code blocks running

3. Processing with the Python parsing program 🎞️ (10 minutes)

What the program does ⚙️

4. Creating the swipe video ↔️ (10 minutes)

  1. Log in to SwipeVideo 👉
  2. Select contents from the left side of the page
  3. Select the + window to create a new swipe video
  4. Enter the name of your swipe video (make it contain your name) and click create
  5. Drag the videos from the processedVideos folder onto the webpage and wait for them to upload
  6. Click sort by file name number and click sort
  7. Now click preview in the top right to view your swipe video!
  8. To make it public
    1. Select private in the top right
    2. Click the switch from private to public
    3. Copy the link under player url
    4. Click change to finish
  9. Now you can link to the swipe video when creating your hackathon website post

5. SwipeVideo with everyone's projects! 🚉 (if we have time, 10 minutes)

Now we get to the fun part! I want to try to make a large scale swipe video with everyone's projects using the train.

  1. Remove the purple block/line that says play beep 96 for .1 seconds
  2. Change the variable checkpoints to 24
  3. Change the variable actionLength to 10 and modify your blocks so that the robot action takes less than or equal to 4 seconds
  4. Chage bufferLength to 15
  5. Now everyone will put their robots around the train in the middle of the floor
  6. Then everyone will press the right button on their SPIKE at the same time and the train will go and record at different angles each time it goes along the track
  7. It will repeat this 24 times to get an essentially 360 degree view from the point of view of the train

Thanks for joining me!

If you want to capture a swipe video of any other projects in the future, I can help!

Also, please document what you did on the Hackathon website.